How to Create Your Own Radio Station in Apple Music

Apple Music Radio Station Cover

Apple Music offers its subscribers several radio station options including its flagship “Beats 1 live station,” which Apple has claimed to be “the biggest radio station in the world.” However, if none of the radio stations are to your liking, you can choose to create your own personalized radio stations. Read on to find out how you can listen to the default radio stations as well as create your own radio stations on iOS/iPadOS/macOS.

Also read: Spotify vs. Apple Music: Who Wins the Music War?

Listen to Default Apple Music Radio Stations

To listen to the default automated Apple Music radio stations on your iPhone/iPad:

1. Open the Music app on your device.

2. From the bottom menu, select the “Radio” tab.

Apple Music Radio Station Radio Ios

3. Scroll through the list of available stations, and listen to whatever you like.

Apple Music Radio Station Ios

To listen to a radio station on your Mac:

1. Open the Music app on your Mac. (On Macs running versions earlier than macOS Catalina, open the iTunes app.)

2. On the left side of the app, select Radio.

Apple Music Radio Station Macos

3. Scroll and choose a channel to listen to.

How to Create Your Own Apple Music Radio Station

You can create a radio station based on your favorite artist or song. Apple Music will automatically find other songs/artists that are similar to it and add them to your radio station.

On iPhone/iPad

1. In the Music app, play a song or artist that you want. This can be either from music downloaded to your device (through Apple Music) or directly streamed from the service.

2. On the Playback page, click on the three dots that will open up an extended menu.

Apple Music Radio Station More Ios

3. Select “Create Station.”

Apple Music Radio Station Create Station Ios

On Mac

1. In the Music app, select the song or artist you want to feature.

2. Click on the More button and select “Create Station.”

Apple Music Radio Station More Macos
Apple Music Radio Station Create Station Macos

3. The station will automatically start playing, and you’ll see the radio station in the Radio tab with the song you selected originally.

Also read: How to Get Free Apple Music in 2022

How to customize your new station

You can easily customize your new station and add new music to your station through the Apple Music app. This involves “loving” songs that suit your taste, and Apple Music will automatically update your station automatically.

On your iPhone/iPad:

1. In the Apple Music app, play a song that you like. This can be from your library or from any random radio station.

2. Click on the three dots to open up the extended menu.

3. Scroll down the menu and tap on “Love.”

Apple Music Radio Station Love Ios

On your Mac:

1. In the Music app, select a track that you like and would like to add to your station.

2. Click on the three dots next to the track and click on “Love.”

Apple Music will automatically find songs similar to the track you “loved” and add them to your custom radio station.

Now that you are listening to your favorite songs from your own radio station, find out how you can download songs to your iOS device or use time-synced lyrics in Apple Music.

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Shujaa Imran

Shujaa Imran is MakeTechEasier's resident Mac tutorial writer. He's currently training to follow his other passion become a commercial pilot. You can check his content out on Youtube